Cathleen Zhan成功拿到移民代理的注册资质,正式开始为国内外众多客户办理澳洲留学移民服务,助客户圆梦澳洲
AVL was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in the Melbourne Central Tower, a famous landmark building in Melbourne. We are committed to providing education, immigration and investment services to customers in Australia and overseas. Our Director, Ms. Jie Zhan (Cathleen), has been working as a Registered Migration Agent for over 18 years. With her unique insights into the comprehensive conditions of Australian culture and immigration environment and successfully helped thousands of overseas clients to turn their Australian dream into reality.
AVL’s team of professionals is committed to solving the problems and concerns of our clients while studying and immigrating to Australia. We provide one-stop quality and caring services, including enrolling in English language courses, applying for university preparation courses, selecting the ideal school, customising the best immigration pathway, etc. AVL team pays much attention to our client’s problems and creates the best plan for them while thinking from the perspective of the clients. We wish to make progress together with our valuable clients.
AVL has been trusted by many of our clients and they are willing to introduce their family and friends to us. We work closely with the local media, accounting firm, investment cooperation and legal agency to ensure our clients are serviced with the best quality. On the way to the future, with AVL’s professionalism and integrity, we will assist increasingly more clients to study and immigrate to Australia and realise their Australian dreams
Australia Visa Link
Cathleen Zhan成功拿到移民代理的注册资质,正式开始为国内外众多客户办理澳洲留学移民服务,助客户圆梦澳洲
AVL 中澳通留学移民正式成立于Level 2, 190 Bourke St, Melbourne
经过5年的良好发展,AVL中澳通留学移民扩大规模并迁入Level 14, 350 Collins St, Melbourne,继续为客户提供优质的服务
因为老客户的信任、新客户的激增, AVL中澳通留学移民再次搬家,迁入Level 5 , 190 Queen St, Melbourne
因为公司持续稳定发展,为了能够在一个更为开阔和优质的环境新老客户继续提供优秀的服务,搬入Level 39, 360 Elizabeth St, Melbourne
Family Visa
Appeal/Visa Rejection
Melbourne (CBD):
Phone:+86 1376 1314 654
Address: 4/35A Carrington Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Hong Kong:
Mobile Number:
Code of Conduct for Australia Migration Agents
咨 询 电 话
澳洲: 0438 551 289
中国: +86 1376 1314 654 Vivian
邮箱: accounts@ozvisalink.com
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